
From shape-shifters to cunning seducers, and sadistic mother in laws to sensual spirits; British Indian storyteller Peter Chand has bought together a collection of truly dark and disturbing stories from India, several being told here for the first time.

Discover what destructive secret lies in the Tamarind Grove…the vilest curse inflicted upon the mighty Lord Indra…and how a poor daughter in laws’ savage hunger changes the Goddess Kali herself…

A mixture of beautiful folktales and mythology aimed at adults. 

Recommended for 18years +

“It was a riveting evening full of surprise and magic and gasps of horror!” StoryNight at Torriano London


Peter Chand is one of Europe’s most renowned storytellers, and specialises in stories from the Indian subcontinent – the land of his parents.

He has told stories and shared storytelling skills all over Britain, and in many other countries, including; Canada, Singapore, France, Norway, and Greece amongst other places.  He is constantly in demand for his storytelling, which he brings to life in an accessible and immediate style.
